Thursday, September 22, 2011


Both issues of Finn and Fish have been reprinted for sale in the UK!
And issue 1 will be back on the shelves in Forbidden Planet Dublin!

You can still buy copies of issue 2 directly from me, please drop me an email for more details. ♥

Friday, August 12, 2011


Is now for sale!

There has been a price drop to €2 as the copies came back with slightly warped tones. If you don't mind this discrepancy please email me at for more details.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Sorry for the silence, folks! I'm glad to announce Finn and Fish 2 is completed and will be sent to the printers soon! ; u ; I plan to have it ready for sale near the end of July so watch this space!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tumblr Page for art and musings. I find it so much more fluid than Blogger, so I'm chilling there now.

No news on the horizon yet about Finn and Fish 2: real life has taken a priority so I apologise to everyone for being so quiet. ><'