Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Post #100 - Eirtakon Merchandise by Yours Truly

Hey all! I'm currently getting ready for the Artist's Alley at Eirtakon and making some anime-related fan made stuff to sell. I will update this post with more item lists in the meantime so check it for any changes!

15 Sept: I have two previews of a couple of things for sale, namely my 'Rei Advertises Intrumentalite' print and the Allied Group of the various Axis Powers Hetalia charms I'm making.

16 Sept: Ha! Nearly forgot I'm doing Manga style portraits! Finished pencil drawing for €6, and inking for an extra €4! I've done a commission recently featuring the client rendered manga-style from photos, so here it be is as an example! (pencils)

28 Sept: The first of my Touhou magnets are up, the first being of everyone's favourite suppository shotting rabbit babe, Reisen from Project Touhou.

4 October: The first of my Secret colour prints is complete! You'll get to see what they look like at and after the con. :) Sorry!

7 October: Added Touhou Magnets preview image.

12th October: Some slightly major changes, people. I'd prepared a Naruto Print, but thanks to some accidental rescaling in some of the prints as well as a few blue drops of ink on many, the price will be reduced to €3. Also I've ditched the magnets for stickers instead due to a lack of experience with magnet paper (it might fry some computer components of my printer!) and not worth the risk to experiment. Good news is that I can make more stickers than magnets right now, they will be sold at a much reduced price to €1.50 each and you can buy the four for €5!


Manga Portraits: €6 (+ €4 with inks ... heh, a slick picture of yourself for €10. :D)
Rei InstrumentaLite Print (b/w): €5
Naruto & Kyoobie Print (b/w): €3
Hetalia Axis Powers Charms: €2 each (*Allied Bundle of 5 = €8, Axis Bundle of 3 = €5, Secret Bundle of 3 = €5)*

Touhou Magnets Stickers: €4€1.50 each, with four different characters! Bundle buy the four for €5!
Secret Colour Prints: €8 each, two different kinds. Find out at Eirtakon! :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

'Lo, for it is done and it is good.

Now to try to get Mediafire to behave tomorrow, while I nurse my perfectly-timed headcold.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Deviantart Boost

Be sure to check out my newest artwork on my dA gallery, I've had a massive art rush on it since reuniting with the awesome peeps I met at Nom Con, as well as samplers of the NOW FINISHED Finn and Fish! :)

Now to do the covers and and info page!